Christy Sports - at The Ranahan Breck

Christy Sports at The Ranahan location

About Christy Sports - at The Ranahan Breck

  • Closed for season

Christy Sports at The Ranahan in Breckenridge is located off of Highway 9, in between Frisco and the town of Breck. This location specializes in the rental of downhill ski and snowboard gear.

  • Rentals - Skis, Snowboarding

Customer Reviews

Store Services


From skis, snowboards and snowshoes, our selection makes it easy to get what you need so you can spend more time on the mountain.



Christy Sports has something to offer for all job seekers, whether it's wanting to spend a season with us or starting a career. We'll see you out there!


With five peaks to play on, 187 trails, and the highest chairlift-accessible terrain in North America (coming in at almost 13,000 feet), Breckenridge Resort in Colorado has something for every skill level since 1961. Unlike many resorts, Breckenridge, CO is also a historic and quaint mountain town, complete with Breck Create Arts District and the famous Breckenridge Brewery, where the Vanilla Porter tastes especially incredible after a day on the slopes. Stroll Main Street in the summer, take a hike, get out the fly rod and go fishing, or tune up your mountain bike and hit the trails. There’s no shortage of activities at any time of year… and both of our Christy Sports Breckenridge locations will be there to outfit you. We’ll see you out there.